While watching Courtney’s volleyball games this season, I’ve observed something.  When the ball is in play, a fan—often a parent—will sometimes yell, “HELP!”  The purpose is clearly to grab the team members’ attention in hopes that a missed ball will be avoided and a successful hit made.

This got me thinking.  Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge in strength, a very present help in trouble.” (KJV)

How many times do I go through my day caught up in my own circumstances, forgetting this profound truth?  For Courtney’s volleyball team this simple word says a lot.  It means that the one calling out realizes that there is a need and has confidence in the one called on to meet that need.

The next time I find myself in need of help—may I cry out to the One Who is truly able to make all grace abound to me.