Coutney’s new dance studio is not completed.  Currently, the girls are meeting in The American Legion Hall.  It has a bit of a decrepit  look.  Ginormous potholes fill the parking lot.

I dropped her off last Tuesday for the first time as her Big Mama usually brings her.  Courtney was driving.  She was about to make a wrong turn.  She argued with me and continued down a one-way street past the turn that we needed to make.  I had her pull over, call Big Mama to confirm the location, and switch places so that I could “take over”.  She was running late.

I was right about where to turn, but we were much closer than I  thought.  As we approached the building, I prepared to turn left into the parking lot.  It was poorly lit.  I watched the other parents drive cautiously around the potholes, entering one way and exiting the other.  I turned across two lanes of highway approaching what I “thought” was a large parking lot.  NOPE!  It was a ditch, nay, an abyss.  I slammed my brakes and stopped only inches from plunging into the black hole.  A truck managed around me in the nick of time.  I threw the car into reverse and made it into the drive.  It was truly the grace of God we were not rear-ended.  Another mom turned in behind me.  I was humiliated.  Courtney was mortified. 

But we escaped tragedy…. and the night made for great blogging material.  See…always ‘something’ to be thankful for! 😉
