Life doesn’t always go as planned.  The unexpected happens.  It rains on the just and the unjust.  Tragedies strike.  Circumstances challenge.  Life disappoints.

But love covers.

This week I found out that my oldest daughter, Cammie (18), is pregnant.  Once the news set in, my initial  thoughts were the same as Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus when he was engaged to Mary:

…not willing to make her a publick example, I was minded to put her away privily.

Joseph’s reasons for wanting to protect Mary were no different than mine.  Mary’s potential scoffing and stoning would have been unjust; Mary was innocent.  But Joseph did not yet know that.  So he was minded to put her away privily.  And so was I for Cammie.

But the One whom Mary birthed took my place, and yours, and Cammie’s on Calvary.

Love covered.

And even in the storms of life He is STILL LORD.

Love covers.  It doesn’t cover up; it covers over.

I remember being there.  Pregnant with Cammie.  Her father and I not married.  Ashamed, scared.  Naturally, I wanted more for her.

But love covered.  And love covers still.

Looking back over the previous weeks, I clearly see his preparation.  Like so many times in life, I knew something was up.  I learned a long time ago that those burdens, unsettling feelings, and stirrings are for the prompting of prayer.  And so I prayed.

Last weekend I received a text from Cammie while she was at drill about the possibility of her deployment for Iraq this summer.  I sank to my bed and prayed.  We knew this was a very likely possibility at some point.  “Is this it, Lord?”  Later, Cammie told me it was voluntary deployment.

But the Lord kept stirring me.  Clearly, the needs all around are many.  Financial struggles, sickness, disasters, turmoil, families torn apart, hopelessness, addictions.  The list goes on.  I prayed.

And now this.

Cammie will have a lot of tough decisions to make.  She’s getting ready to enroll in college.  Her boyfriend, Trey, recently joined the National Guard.  They need your prayers.

Love covers.

I recently read a blogpost about the present being a “present”.  So often I plan for the coming week with a myriad of notes, lists and reminders.  I like to be organized.  But sometimes I forget to live for today.

God’s grace has covered me so beautifully this past week.  Jumping ahead to the needs that will come is not an option.  By God’s grace, my brain will not allow it.  When I’m tempted to visit yesterday and the “what ifs” that come with regret,  I can’t go there.  It is truly of the Lord’s mercies that I am not consumed.

Love covered.

I know there is much to be considered and many needs to be met.  And I trust Him.  I don’t know all the answers.  Uncertainty can be unsettling.  But I see Him working.  I see Him drawing this mother- and father-to-be.

Love covers.

Am I angry?  Yes.

But love covers.

Am I hurt?  Yes.

But love covers.

Am I disappointed?  Yes.

But love covers.

For Cammie and  Trey, as you face the reality of this situation and prepare for the responsibilities of a child, as you make tough decisions and face certain consequences—

Love covers.

For my husband, for me, for Cammie’s father, for Courtney and Sophie and Cammie’s grandparents, for Trey’s family—

Love covers.

When words fail and my heart aches, when my soul is overwhelmed within me, I will choose to remember—

Love covers.


Love covers.

Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.  Proverbs 10:12

And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.  1 Peter 4:8
