This month for Jeni’s Web-Wedding Shower, we are inspiring her through photos.  I love this idea because it just seems to fit the Photographer in her.  Go here to visit Jeni’s blog.  You’ll find a link to her photography blog there.

I realize that these pictures will probably have nothing to do with the wedding, but possibly the honeymoon?!  Jeremy, make her dream come true.

Jeni, inquiring minds want to know just how full of hot air Jeremy is.

hot air

The next two are from this year’s Hot Air Festival in Baton Rouge.

(No, I didn’t go.  This is why we have the internet.)

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I found this one and thought it was sooo cute.

Too bad I couldn’t find one with feet on it.  I tried.

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Who knew?  A Chick fil A Cow hot air balloon!

This one is just because I love it.  And I love Chick Fil A.

So maybe it will inspire you to eat some.

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Hope you get an awesome hot air experience from Jeremy.  PAHAHAHAHAHA!  Sorry.  I just had to.

For more Inspirations through Photography in this month’s edition of Jeni’s Web-Wedding Shower click here.