Conversation this morning with Sophie:

“Mom, last year, at church class, this MEAN girl just comes up in front of me and TAKES my Bible and put it on the shelf. {flaps her arms} And the teacher telled her to give it back. She WAS my friend but now we broke up.”

“Friends don’t break up, Sophie. Sometimes boyfriends and girlfriends do but really good friends should always be your friends.”

“Look, I don’t know. I don’t even remember her name. I don’t remember what she looks like. {starts saying her name out loud} C  {name omitted for obvious reasons}, C . . . Her name is C! She is really rude! She just takes things and she doesn’t give them back.

{folds her arms}

That’s why I can’t bring my Bible back. HMMMPH!”


Then she asked my what I was writing. Notes for this post, of course.

Funny, last night after eating the “noodles from Chinese” that Sophie has begged for since early Monday morning, we cracked open the fortune cookies to read the hilariously ridiculous fortunes.

Hers: When it comes to friendships, you know where your loyalties lie.

I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.