I’ve hoped with earnest (that’s fancy for a great amount) expectation that you are learning the importance of obedience.

So perhaps you can understand the perplexed (that’s fancy for unsure) look on my face last night after . . .

You argued endlessly with me about brushing your teeth. And then once again when you could not figure out how open your new tube of toothpaste to remove the foil and I asked you to hand it to me. And then when I insisted that I was going to tell Dad and that you would indeed have a consequence for not listening, you tossed the tube of toothpaste on the counter and said, “there. I was just opening the top for you. Fine. You can open it.”

And I then explained to you that you need to listen and obey right away. But then you began waving your hands wildly while you expressed to me that you, “just wanted to open it.”

So I reminded you of this verse, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord:  for this is right (Ephesians 6:1).” And then you said,

“Mom! I’m FOUR!”