I can’t promise this post will include coherent thoughts. I’m experimenting with a combination of cold medications because I CAN’T TAKE THIS AWFUL CHEST COLD ANYMORE. Yes, you should be concerned about the capital letters in the last sentence. And maybe the combination of cold medications.

My voice is back a little. Just enough to keep me from getting out of the phone calls. My Secretary is slacking a bit. But if I just so happen to have your phone number along with your picture in my cell—BEWARE. If she happens to call you, just disregard everything she says except the part about praying for her mama because she’s so sick. I faintly remember her taking my hand yesterday and saying a prayer to the Lord for “Rena”. Good thing she knew my name. It helps to be specific when praying.

Which reminds me of the point of this post. PLEASE PRAY! I’m not sure my parents know I’m serious when I text: call a fast, call a solemn assembly. I’m also not sure it’s to their advantage that they don’t know how text back. Nothing like receiving countless texts throughout the day and not being able to respond: WE GET IT!

Also, I hate to complain, but my Secretary is now my Nurse for the day and I’m not sure I’ll be getting quality care. All she’s concerned about is the fact that one of her Veggie Tales DVDs is missing from her Christmas four pack set. I told her in my best raspy voice that it’s in Cammie’s car because she borrowed it for the new DVD players she just got to improve Gavin’s car riding experiences.

Do you think it mattered to Sophie that I’m practically dying here? No, she insisted, “let’s go get it.” When I told her in my best raspy voice that I’m sick she said, “but Mom, I can’t leave it in there forever. Let’s go get it. I can’t leave it in there for a while. NO I CAN’T! What if it gets scratched?”

So you can see the seriousness of this situation. Without that DVD I may have to suffer through a day of being sick and listening to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the background. I’m not sure I can take it.

SO PLEASE PRAY! And leave your chest cold remedies in the comments, please. I’M DESPERATE!  Plus Sophie’s well being depends on my recovery. She’s just discovered her “favorite chocolate IN THE WHOLE WORLD” in the parade candy from Saturday. The parade. Where we had lots of fun. The place where my symptoms began to escalate. The place where all manner of leftover Halloween candy was thrown in the streets. And then stepped on. And then fought over. I’m getting worse just thinking about it. And all my Lysol No Touch Soap Dispensers are empty. And now I’m feeling guilty for the negative review I gave Lysol on facebook.

I think I’ll go lie down now.