Dear Sophie,

There are some things I want you to know.

1. When I tell you to hurry up or you’re about to be late for school, I AM serious! So when you tell me, “YOU’RE about to be late! I’M not gonna’ be late. I’m a kid. I’m a kid and I AM NOT GONNA’ BE LATE! ARE YOU SERIOUS,” please remember that I would not wear my pajamas every day when I drive you to school if I were going to be late.  You should really think about that. Because, if you’re late, I’m going to have to walk you in. In my PAJAMAS!

2.  Your behavior chart at school is for you. It does not work when you threaten to tell your teacher that I was rude.  I am not going to get a straight face.

3.  Cammie is Gavin’s mom.  I know she is your sister.  But it is not nice when you tell her how to take care of him.  Or when you tell her things like, “You cannot get him! I was playing with him first!”

4.  When Cammie and Courtney are watching you, please remember when you tell them things like, “my MOM said you have to play with me” or “I’m gonna’ tell my mom if you don’t give me a candy” or “you’re gonna’ be in trouble when my mom gets home,” I AM THEIR MOM, TOO! You have to listen to them when they watch you.  Or you’re gonna’ get a straight face.

5.  I love your little personality!  Even when you make me so mad I want to scream.  I love it when you say things like, “that was a good pray,” when I pray for you on the way to school.  Or when you say, “thank you, baby,” when I buckle you in your car seat. You fill my heart with joy!

6. I love that you like to pray for people.  When I told you that Trey’s dad, Mr. Charles, was in the hospital the other day and you said, “awwww!  Poor Sharrzz,” and then you prayed for “Sharrzz”, I know the Lord heard you.  Now “Sharrzz” is home and feeling better.

You are a precious little girl.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

But I am still the boss.

I love you more than peanut butter,
