Well….Sophie fell off the potty today.  That’s right!  She FELL OFF!  (Yessss, the big potty- with her potty lid on it, though!)  I walked out for…I don’t know, something important I suppose, and heard the crash.  She was probably trying to get the toilet paper all by herself.  Bless her little independent heart!  And now she looks like Rudolph.  The tip of her nose was bleeding.  The skin is scraped off there and it looks kinda’ like a strawberry around the tip.  Potty abuse.  Didn’t think it was possible.  Sometimes I multi-task and give her a moment of peace, if you know what I mean.  Guess the multi-tasking will be limited to facials or flossing or other bathroom things from now on. 

OH!  I know!  One of my best friends, Diana, and I ordered a tube of the Original Preparation H with Bio-Dyne sold only in Canada.  You heard it!  I know there are stories…some say it works wonders while others say they saw no difference.  That’s because here in the U.S. only the new formula is sold.  To find out why and even more fascinating details about this hemorrhoid ointment turned wrinkle fighter, get yourself a copy of Uncle John’s Fast-Acting Long-Lasting Bathroom Reader (18th Bathroom Reader Edition).  I KNOW…scary, isn’t it?  What I won’t share on a blog. 

And now, I am off for more parental abuse.  Sophie is bossy!  WHERE does she get it from?  Hmmmm…..  And Courtney!  She’s bossy, too!  But having a strong will and being bossy is just too much!

Sophie:  “MOM!  COME ‘ERE, RIGHT NOW!”

Me:  “Sophie, you come here.  You need to potty.”

Sophie:  “NO!  Unh, UNH!” (runs the other direction)


Sophie:  “Mean!”

Potty mouth!

Is there no group for this?