“He has come to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted.”

  • Are you comfortable?  I’ve come to afflict you?
  • Are you afflicted?  I’ve come to comfort you.

A message dedicated to my sister Rena, who not only gave me the idea for this thought, but who also reflects these words through her current circumstances in ways only she can understand.

If ever there was a time when one might say, “Is this a joke God?”, that would be Rena now.  Why?  Because she who opens her heart, her kitchen, and more to all—for everything from family gatherings to a family member in need—is going through an unexplainable rough time.  You know, she’s the middle child who holds the family together?  Yep, that’s Rena.  The first to plan parties for birthday’s, holiday’s or anything that may require celebration.

She does this with her family and friends in mind down to the greatest detail and sometimes expense, to both her finances and sanity.  When times are tough and such giving might be taken for granted, this does not stop her.  She’s out front manning the battle stations wherever the need may arise.  That’s my sister.  Some might say she “comfortable”, right?  The life of the party and beauty queen to boot!  Not so, this is where the affliction comes in.

Amidst all the planning and saving the world, (Ha!  Just joking! She leaves that up to her Savior!) she was hit with a personal blow that effects she and her entire family.  She is a busy wife and mom who is ever available.  She has a wonderful family and support system, yet, I can shake the fact that there are times when much more is required.  Though we’ve all faced these times where we might say, “Hey God, It’s me!  I don’t get this!  I’m faithful!  I’m obedient!  Why this?  Why now?  Why me?  Is this a joke God?”, we know He sends such afflictions to bring us in closer relationship to Him.  Then, in our desperation, He comforts us in His loving embrace.

In the mean time…

We wait, we cry, we try to remember to breath, hanging on the encouragement of others, or encouraging ourselves before Him.  We live.  One day at a time, trusting, hoping, and knowing deep inside, His comfort is on the way.  As our big sis Katie-Jean would say, “It’ll be all right… In a minute!”