Sophie never seems to be at a loss for words. 

Lately she’s taken to pottying on her own.  It’s great that she takes initiative.  I’m sure that will look nice on a resume some day. 

After she woke up from her nap the other day I told her that she needed to go to the potty.

“I pooped,” she said matter-of-factly.


“NO,” she turned and looked at me with that “DUH” teenage look and pointed to the toilet.  “Right there in that potty.  Don’t worry about that.  Don’t worry about that poo-poo.”

I was a little more concerned with what she might’ve left behind. 

Yesterday morning after she pottied she said, “we need to brush our teeth,” marched up her stool and turned on the water.

“You need to wash your hands, too,” I reminded her.

“Of course!”

Of course she would say of course.  Of course.

And last but not least, yesterday evening I returned to my bathroom to ask her if she pottied. 

Her reply:  “OBVIOUSLY!”

I’m speechless.

She may be taking over the blog.
