*This Post was written Anniversary Eve.

Eleven years ago we began our journey as a family.  Though we’ve weathered many storms, I’d like to think the rain on our wedding day was symbolic of showers of blessing.

Starting out as a family of four brought many challenges.  But we’ve continually pushed through.   And we’re all still alive.  Plus one more.

Finances have been up and down.  But at least it’s been adventurous.  And now we have a deeper appreciation for what we have.  Like Diet Coke. 

We’ve had enough drama to run a prime time series for the next eleven years.  But we survived it without therapy.  Perhaps it’s not too late for medication. 

And then there were those storms.  Aside from Katrina, Gustav and Ike, we’ve survived the Calamaties of Cammie including but not limited to Dramatic Displays of Emotion (often referred to as hysteria),  Driving While Dramatic (there’s a drama theme here) and The Disappearance of Cammie. 

Then there were the Courtney Catastrophes including but not limited to Sleepwalking Scares, Demandings of a Disgruntled Daughter and Destructive Driving. 

We’re currently still riding the Strong-willed Seas of Sophie which include but are not limited to Tantrums of a Tired Toddler, War of the Wills and Whining While Dining.

We’ve had our share of battles.  Worn out and weary, hormones rising and cycles colliding, pouting and nagging, tempers flaring and overbearing… we’ve endured a lot.  And then when our families went home we had our own issues to deal with. 

Thank God for Midol and Benadryl, Grandparents & friends, Time Outs and Sticker Charts, M&Ms and Diet Coke.  But most of all for His grace and wisdom, for His peace and unfailing love.

And thank God it hasn’t all been chaos and commotion and high strung emotion. 

We’ve laughed until we cried.  You have literally.  Laughter has been as much a theme in our home as drama.  I think it’s helped keep us sane.

We’ve made so many memories around the kitchen table.  And then came Sophie.  Sorry Sophie.  Things change.  But our family of five has continued to make memories.  And now we’re expanding once again as we prepare for life as grandparents with a three year old aunt.  God help us.

We’ve made memories across the miles… Six Flags, Busch Gardens, Sea World, Disney World, Cheaha Mountain, Stone Mountain and more.  And we will make many more.

We’ve prayed through pain and found peace.  We’ve talked out probelms and found solutions or learned to compromise.

We’ve battled many a sleepless night.  But tonight, we shall sleep.  Sophie is at Nana and Poppy’s. 

Happy Anniversary, Baby!  Looking forward to the next eleven.

I love you!  I’m proud to be your Little Angle (Angel 🙂 )!

Goodnight….. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

***Saturday a.m.

Good morning, Baby!  Happy Anniversary…it’s raining today! 🙂