It’s not just in conversation.  Throughout the course of any given day, I’ve been known to chase untold numbers of rabbits.

I’m not just a multi-tasker, I’m a multi-talker.  Aren’t most women?  No?

The course of my days are generally mapped out with Post-Its and lists and reminders.  (I’m sure you all know that by now since I’ve said it, oh, two or twelve times.)  With great care I plan and schedule and purpose to leave no list unfinished.  I’m often victorious.  And sometimes not.  My daily journeys are lined with many detours.  Many fluffy tailed, floppy eared and twitching nosed rabbits have peeked out and enticed me to follow. 

I’m certain that many of these furry bunnies are placed by the Master Himself and the detours meant to be followed.  But not always.  So often I get sidetracked.  And I’m not even ADD.  Maybe it’s the pointed  floppy (maybe I am ADD) ears that distract me.  Or the hopping.  I don’t know.  But the chase is on.

And if I’m not careful, at the end of the day I’ll end up weary and worn for having chased  a dozen rabbits or so.  And I’ll look around to find no rabbit in sight and realize that all I’ve caught was the wind.

And all I’m left with is a pile of rabbit poop.

BEWARE of the rabbit.

Proverbs 3:6  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
