Scroll down for my Blogaversary post…


Trey, Cammie’s boyfriend, walked into my bedroom with a bright light strapped around his ball cap and announced, “I’m going noodling”.  And then he just stared at me with a huge grin.

I dared to ask, “what does that mean?”

And he willingly shared.  “I’m gonna’ wade into the river up to my waist with goggles and my beach shoes on.  My fat friend is gonna’ hold me down as an anchor and then I’m gonna’ stick my hand in the water.  If anything bites, I’ll pull it out.”

“So you’ve done this before?”


“Have you been successful?”


Well, then…  I knew where this was going… right here on this blogpost.

As if he knew my thoughts, he explained what his motivation was.  “If you’re successful, you could catch catfish larger than Sophie that you could eat for weeks.”

We’ll soon find out.  Cammie has promised pics to come.  So be watching.  We just might have some new material for Jeff Foxworthy.

