K-Love and Chick-fil-A had Mommy and Me day at The Mall of Louisiana.  Sophie and I heard the announcement last week on K-Love.  Before I could say anything she said, “LET’S GO TO THAT.”  God knew this two-year-old LOVES The Mall of Louisiana.  He and the Chick-fil-A Cow both know she loves their chicken.  And of course there’s the carousel.

K-Love, free Chick-fil-A kid’s meal and free carousel rides?  I’M IN!

Mommy and Me Day 003

Mommy and Me Day 004

Mommy and Me Day 005

Mommy and Me Day 002

Mommy and Me Day 001

That’s my niece, Lauren, with Courtney—her Mommy for the day.

See.  Having a great time.  Until Sophie spotted the Cow.  Then there was trembling and fear.  Sorry, no pic of that.  She did loosen up in the end and continually repeat what I told her.  “It’s just a man in a costume.  HEY COW!”  I really wanted pics with that cow.

Maybe next time.  They’ll be back next week.  Today they were having a giveaway for Francesca Battistelli concert tickets.  FOR WALKER, LOUISIANA!  HOW GREAT IS THAT?  I’m so thrilled.  She will be here July 10.  I’m told the concert is for a fundraiser. The tickets are ONLY $10!  I KNOW!  I can’t believe it either!

And now for the bonus…

You simply MUST check out Anatomy 101 from More Than Just Adam’s Rib.  Let’s just say if you are the mom of boys, you will likely relate to this hilarious post.  So go check it out and don’t make me regret not naming this post Mommy and Me with a bonus penis post.