When asked where she went with me for the day, she’s been known to answer….

“We just go to Darren’s!”

Darren is Cammie and Courtney’s father and my ex-husband.  The truth is… we ran “errands”.

If she has been scolded for her behavior, she’s been known to say rather loudly, IN PUBLIC…

“‘CAUSE YOU DON’T LIKE ME!”  And then all eyes are on me.  I’m not gonna’ lie. I ‘d really like to pinch her when I’m standing there looking questionable.

She is also fond of the phrase…

“That was NOT very NOT nice!”  The double negative counts for nothing when I’m being staired down by on-lookers.  Thanks, Sophie.  Thanks a lot.

Yesterday while in the check-out at Walmart, she is looking over my shoulder and asks..

“Is THAT a man?”

I immediately hear the lady behind me say, “Nooooo!”  But I act clueless and say, “WHAT man?”

The lady behind me quickly informs me that Sophie is referring to her.  I tried to fight it, but I had to take a closer look.  Nope. Didn’t see.  She didn’t have any make-up on, but bore no resemblance to a male in my opinion.  She even had a barrette in her hair.

“Sophie, that’s a lady.”  Sophie continued to stare.  I’m not sure if she was embarrassed or in disbelief.  The lady tells me that she was thinking that I could tell her that men don’t wear things in their hair.  But that’s not necessarily true anymore.  Sadly, she was right.

There I was.  Left to do nothing else but share more of Sophie’s stories.

Dang.  Wish I would’ve remembered to tell her that Sophie said Jesus kicked her and he picks his boogers.
