Unless baby Gavin decides to make his debut sooner, Cammie is scheduled to be induced Monday, the 16th at 5:00 a.m.  Joedaddy’s response to the timing was, “doesn’t he (the dcotor) know we don’t wake up that early?”  That from the man who wakes up at 5:30 every morning.  Guess that half hour means a lot to him.

First thing tomorrow morning, Cammie will be sending a letter to Trey priority mail.  We’re hoping that he will be able to fly out this coming weekend and make it home for the birth.

We covet your prayers as we make the final preparations for baby Gavin’s arrival.  Please pray for labor and delivery to be as smooth as possible.

And on a completely unrelated, yet very important, matter, Sophie’s baby Aubrey has broken his eye.  Obviously, Sophie would be the one in need of prayer here; however, on her behalf, I am requesting prayer for baby Aubrey.  I believe wholeheartedly that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20)—even pertaining to a baby doll’s broken eye (which clearly means a torn rubber eye lid).  But it would mean the world to Sophie to know that you are all praying for this little baby boy, uh, doll.  And of course she might stop insisting that I bring him to show Santa when she and baby Gavin take their Christmas picture on Santa’s lap so that “I” can explain to Santa that she needs a new baby Aubrey doll because this one has a broken eye. Sigh.  The thing is, after my crash course, I’m still not so great with this Santa stuff. Okay, I stink.  But I’m trying.

In summary, baby boy coming, baby boy doll with broken eye lid.

Stay tuned for the dramatic ending to this story. . .