On 9.02.10

a strong-willed, energetic firecracker was born.

Happy 1st Birthday, Oliver Joseph!

I’m so glad you found a helmet. You’re gonna’ need it.

Oh Oliver!

You were born on a day that will forever be marked in history because its date bears the title of a once popular television show. But to those who know you that date means much more—the day you made your debut. Born Oliver Joseph, you share the name of the Joedaddy in reverse. How gloriously interesting.

When you were just a few months old you came into my home and my world. Full of life, personality and hair, you made your presence known and your demands as well. Right from the start I knew that along with your smiles, laughter and strong personality you had an equally strong will. It’s interesting how God balances us.

For nine months I’ve watched you grow almost as fast as your hair and fingernails. I miss the days when bath time was one of both of our highlights but I’m accepting change and looking forward to what the next stage of growth brings. Though you’re not yet walking, you move swiftly exploring the territory around you. Your size, strength and energy are often met with near accidents. A rambunctious little boy, you truly do need a helmet. Daily I draw boundaries and repeat, “NO.” And with crying and bucking and kicking against the pricks you continue to demand your way. But on I march determined to teach you in spite of exhaustion.

You fight sleep like no other most of the time. Just when I’ve prepared myself for the battle and determined to remain calm you surrender to slumber without effort and leave me once again scratching my head. Many a day has ended with both of us battle weary. Those are the days it seems you leave reluctantly with Mommy. When you lunge forward to Nanny or try to kiss me goodbye or lay your head on my shoulder, all of the day’s frustration melts away and I’m left amazed.

I continue to be in awe of how God teaches me through a little child. Just recently my good friend reminded me of this. Mommy can read about it here and here. My friend brought back memories of my adventures in Nanny-sitting throughout the years. She couldn’t have known that I was struggling once again with my place and wondering if I make a difference. But the Lord knew and He saw fit to have her remind me.

Oh Oliver! I’ve often wondered if my efforts are in vain. I’ve seen my flaws and impatience and felt defeated. Worse for the wear, I’ll shake my head in wonder that a little child could whip this Nanny. But recently revelation washed over me. The Lord knew that my firmness and determination were just the match for you. And in His love and kindness He also reminded me that sometimes I’m not the teacher—you are.

So we’ll keep on teaching each other, you and I. And I’ll watch you grow way too fast. You will likely be older than your years just as Sophie, as you both have a huge gap between your older siblings and yourselves. I’ll keep on recording my thanks in my journal for all that He gives and all that He teaches. Thanks for allowing Gavin to have a strong little boy to play with. Thanks when I hear Sophie and Gavin call out, “Ollie!!!!” Thanks for when you cry, “Nanny!” Thanks for the smiles and the laughter and your good grocery store behavior which also leaves me scratching my head. Because how is it that you’re so good in the grocery store even for long periods of time yet you offer up a mix of behavior in a moment’s time at Nanny’s house? Not that I’m complaining. So don’t throw a fit in Walmart next time.

But even for those fits and nap-time battles when you are beyond overtired, I’ll give thanks. For not having enough arms to clothe or diaper you as you attempt to wiggle away, I’ll give thanks. And even when you nearly buck out of my arms in a tantrum I’ll try to give thanks. Because sooner or later I, too, will have to learn the lesson.

And while I’m recording thanks, I’ll also start writing The Nanny Diaries again. Because you give me too much material to waste.

Happy 1st Birthday, Oliver! I love you more than peaceful naps.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. ~Psalm 139: 14



Not surprisingly, you have totally gone on a nap strike today. It’s like you knew I was writing about you. Still, thank you, Lord, for crazy nap days.