{Happy 21st Birthday!!!}


Dear Brandon,

After reflecting on the Application for Permission to Date my Daughter that we gave you last year around this time, I considered the possibility of an application to continue to date my daughter. There’s nothing out there. I’ve checked. I then considered the possibility of writing up one.

But here’s the thing. You’ve already met a list of criteria that can be found nowhere on the internet. I could have never thought the list up. Seriously.

The list includes but is not limited to:

  • Carpooling Sophie for Acro class with Courtney while I was sick
  • Bringing me Rocher chocolates while I was sick
  • Helping with dishes after dinner on at least one occasion {definitely brownie points}
  • Helping Cammie move during a difficult time in her life
  • Working hours to help me with my garage sale for my Ecuador Mission Trip
  • Babysitting Sophie with Courtney last weekend so that Joe and I could meet up with some friends of mine that I hadn’t seen in over 25 years—only days after you had your wisdom teeth pulled
  • Purchasing lice products not once but twice after Sophie brought the epidemic home from school
  • Returning to the same store you’d purchased lice products at twice with Joe to return and exchange said products
  • Almost purchased said products once in Courtney’s car with car lashes {almost, but it still speaks volumes}
  • Rode in Courtney’s car multiple times with car lashes {seriously, brownie points}

This is a very unique list. There are many details surrounding this criteria that should be pointed out. You never ran for the hills when the word lice was announced. When babysitting last weekend while on prescription medication, you didn’t complain when we rolled in around midnight having forgotten that Courtney needed to still bring you home. Or that you might be in pain.

When Courtney calls you last minute and asks you to run by my parents’ to pick something up for her, you do it willingly. You bring her chocolate often. You love her little sister affectionately as well as her nephew. You’re respectful. You work hard.

Over the past year you and your family included Courtney on your extended family vacation for what? Ten days? And you survived! It’s been such a pleasure watching you grow together. As Courtney’s mother I see the impact of your having taken a mission trip together. I know the significance of how well you fared. More than anything, I appreciate your love for our Lord and your heart to serve.

Loving Courtney well would never be the top priority that I would expect you to have. Loving Jesus would. I know that if you both grow in your love for Him then you’ll grow in how to love each other. There are so many expectations that we put on relationships. We as Christians are neglectful in teaching our young people to have pure motives and seek the Lord, to serve.

I know that you serve Courtney well. You’ve served us well. Now it’s our turn to serve you. We’ll celebrate the dinner of your choice this upcoming week. There may even be a forced game of Apples to Apples if Sophie has her way. But I know you’ll go right along with it whether you really want to play or not. Bless your heart.

In closing, I want to add that the words you posted recently on Facebook about the dangers of comparison and contrast spoke so loudly. They are evidence of the work God is doing in your life. And you summed it all up so well:

Paul found the answer, he found his identity in Christ. Regardless of a comparison or circumstance.

Keep on being you. Transparent. We want nothing more, nothing less. You hold the key to our hearts and since Christmas, to our house.

We love you!

Joe & Rena {Mostly Rena. She wrote the post.}