Ordinary Wednesday morning I start off on the familiar route to three-year-old Oliver’s preschool. Since last August, this journey has been our routine twice daily for three weekdays. I am his Nanny; this is part of my job description. My grandson Gavin accompanies us most days.

On this mid-week spring day I am awakened to the realization that this carpool for Oliver’s schooling has been my own training. Talks with little boys are often the highlight of the trips and memories I will forever cherish. Yes, I learn from them—wildly imaginative, unfiltered, uninhibited little boys. Yet there is more.

The chosen route takes us through my favorite parts of our city. Once the main part of a small town, the tree lined streets take us past classic porch wrapped homes with rockers and swings; through the historic antique district; past old churches; and onto the grand finale.

After carpool drop-off, I drive slowly down the long and windy River Road. No matter the season, I’m awestruck. The first part of the trip finds me moving at a snail’s pace, head jerking to the left and right to take in the many homes I love. I memorize my favorites and try to take them all in. But River Road with its curves and sometimes heavier traffic has its secrets. Something previously missed often unexpectedly appears. I never cease to be amazed at the glorious reveals.

Fall nearly slayed me with its abundance of rich colored foliage. I slowed once to snap a picture of trees with colors Crayola could never create. As the seasons have changed, the leaves surrendered and branches gave way to winter. Life’s seasons all too quickly have changed as well. Some have been crueler than this past winter. But even in those seasons when the eye strains to see beauty, it can still be found. It is then when I am repeatedly painting a picture to Gavin and Oliver of the silent sap unseen for dried up, seemingly dead branches. It is then that I am reminding myself of the life within that sometimes seems veiled by circumstance. I’ve gulped hard, swallowed the ache, and fought back the tears. Dried branches seem void of life; they appear fragile. But on dreary winter days, I’ve seen glory.

Much like the monotony and melancholy that marks many days, I could succumb to the familiarity of the path. Some days we glaze over and find ourselves mechanically going through the steps. We arrive at our destination or the end of the day and we aren’t quite sure how we got there. But there are secrets hidden, surprises begging to be found. The joy is not in the appearance of the path, nor is it in the circumstances of the season.

We journey on and the seasons continue to change. Spring arrives with its hope and promise. New life has begun. Flowers bloom an array of beauty and I hear the birds as I creep as slowly as possible down those glorious streets. I still find myself craning the neck to see that favorite house high on a hill with its beautiful windows and somewhat beach cottage appearance. I long for the beautiful. Yet, I am reminded again that sometimes beauty is around the next corner, hidden. Vibrant red fire hydrants often peak beneath mud splatters. Even the puddles of mud have their own songs. Little boys smile and my mind sees them jumping with joy in those puddles of mud.

The never ending changes of the seasons of our lives can leave us motion sick much like a roller coaster ride. But the beautiful irony is that amid the changes impelling our varying emotions is a magnificent portrait of the One true Constant. The very One who controls the seasons remains true, unchanged, faithful even in the very center of the chaos of this world. He orchestrates beauty. From daybreak ’til dusk He is our anchor if we so choose. He is the impetus, compelling constantly. It is up to us to look past the uncertain and choose to see Him. He is the only certainty. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the beauty and joy we innately long for is only found in Him.

He alone, is the sustainer of our souls.

I continue slowly. Sometimes detoured from the familiar path, interrupted by roadwork or unexpected accidents. No matter the circumstance, no matter the season, I fix my eyes on the unchanging and seek as for treasure the glimpses of His glory along the way.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. ~ Hebrews 13:8