Happy 44th Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

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Are these the days when the only pictures you can find of your parents

are with your children?

This picture says a lot about how I feel right now.  You’ve been examples of Godly parents to me.  To all of your children.  And lately I’ve taken notice of your examples as Godly grandparents.  I’ve always known it.  But now I really notice.

Poppy's Reunion2

OH WAIT!  I found one!

This must’ve been two or twenty years ago or something.

Look at that tiny waist!



Now you know who I look like.

We have some strong genes.

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NOOO, that’s not Elvis.

That’s my Dad!

Mom and Dad, today, be reminded of what you have taught us.  God is faithful.  Keep on keeping on, Mom and Dad—Nana and Poppy. You’ve sown in tears, you shall reap in joy!  Circumstances, trials, hardships and heartaches do not change our God.  He is still on His throne.  He is mighty to save.  And He is faithful.  Harvest time is coming!

And let us not be weary in well doing:

for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.  Galations 6:9

You’ve always been a wonderful Mom and Dad.  You’ve always been an awesome Nana and Poppy, but soon, you shall be called:

Great Nana & Great Poppy!

And that just cracks me up!

Happy Anniversary!  Be blessed by the benefits he loads us down with daily!

I love you!