Donning a Party Naked nightshirt even within the confines of my own home has resulted in various and sundry comments over the past year plus. My sentiments:  BRING IT!

My mom got so tickled when she first saw it. Granted, while hanging out at home I’m likely to wear it throughout the day. So imagine midday my mom and dad happen by. I know that first look—shock. But right away I always speak up, “I AM MARRIED!!!” My mom did as she threatened that day and called her big brother to tell him how she came to see his niece and found her donning a Party Naked nightshirt. They both got a good laugh.

Sophie has apparently soaked in the discussions I’ve had with her about this nightshirt and the business of partying naked. She knows husbands and wives see each other naked. She may not know much beyond that. Yet. But in this home it’s no shock that it’s okay to be naked around your spouse.

When she recently saw me wearing the nightshirt she said, “Party Naked! But only if you’re married!”

Her words have stayed with me. Yes, words repeated. But in light of the recent attention to the sexual temptations thrown at women in the form of Magic Mike and Fifty Shades of Grey, I’d say that Sophie’s words need to be echoed throughout the church.

I want Sophie to know {in due season} that sex is a beautiful gift  from God meant to be celebrated between a man and his wife. I don’t want her to grow up thinking it’s something taboo. Just as her older sisters have been taught she will learn that there’s no question that she cannot ask me. Because if I don’t teach her the truth about the awesome gift of sex then she may fall for the lies the world is buying.

Proverbs 23:23 says:  Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

For every lie the enemy throws her way I want to teach her the truth.

Sex is amazing and beautiful and not meant to be cheapened. Pornography is destructive. Sex is meant to be between the confines of a man and his wife.  All sexual acts outside of that is sin and the lifestyles in which they are engaged are bondage.

Church—do you hear the call to speak up? I implore my brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ to buy the truth. If we don’t teach our young people truth what will we do if they come to us later marred by the consequences? Men and women today and young people as well are dealing with issues and they don’t know where to go. How can we expect them to turn to the church if the church isn’t willing to take the time to share what is good and right about sex?

While we’re taking our rightful stands against the aforementioned so called forms of entertainment let’s also share sources that stand for truth.

Ladies, stop blushing and go read an excerpt from Sheila Wray Gregoire’s book The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex.  {Read my blog review here.}Visit her blog at Check out her resources and books.

Another excellent resource is Eden Derailed, a theology of sex by Pastor Matt Williams. {Read my blog review here.}

Both of the books mentioned would make for great classes for men, women, married couples and even young people within the right setting. Sheila also books conferences for churches.

Let’s get proactive about teaching the younger generation and get serious about dealing with the consequences of not doing so with our generation.

Sex ROCKS! {BECAUSE I’M MARRIED!!!} Within the boundaries of marriage that God set in place it can rock for anyone. In other words—FREEDOM! Outside of those boundaries it brings bondage.

And that’s what I want Sophie to know. If I have to I’ll wear that t-shirt too.