New phrase when angry:  OH CRUMBS!  Decided after Sophie said she was *opposite of peed on*.  *Shudder*


“So how did your work go today?”  -Sophie Gunther to her dad

“Go to your room right now!  You go to your room and just relax and I’ll be in there in a minute.”  -Sophie Gunther to her mom after her mom fussed about chocolate smudges on her 40th birthday card

“Yesterday, when I was talking to Cammie, you just interrupt my compertation.”  -Sophie Gunther to her mom

“I’M NOT SCARED OF YOU!  GO TO YOUR HOUSE!”  -Sophie Gunther to her dad after he threatened to administer discipline


Conversation with Sophie the day after she went with Courtney to babysit a neighbor’s kids:

“Yesterday, Jerry just waked up and tell me he loves me.”


“Yea, he just send it to me.”


“On the Blackberry.”


In spite of her strong will and sassy mouth, I am encouraged by Sophie’s interest in the Word of God.

She’s doing well memorizing the short memory verses I’m teaching her.

“Be kind to one another.  Children, obey your parents.  Love one another as I have loved you,” she boldly states.  The application is another story.

“Mom, I gotta’ study,” she said to me the other day.

“Okay,” I said back unaware of what she meant.  And in she walked with her very large Expositor’s Study Bible that Nana and Poppy bought her complete with name engraved.  Here she is toting and studying her very large Bible.  The pictures are from my cell phone.  To my knowledge, there is no way to resize them.  If anyone knows how, PLEASE let me know.


Please pray for my little Sophie to hide the Word in her heart that she might not sin against Him. (Psalm 119:11)