At Sophie’s prompting, I prayed for her friend from dance class during our prayer time on the way to preschool.  Apparently the little dancer hurt her foot or has some other infirmity excluding her from dancing.

“That was nice, right mom,” she asked.

“Yes it was, Sophie.  It’s so nice that you cared enough to want to pray for her,” I said and then explained how we know that the Lord hears us when we pray.  “He loves it when we pray for others.  He also loves it when we sing songs to Him and praise and worship Him.  Sophie, did you know He even sings and rejoices over us?”

“Yea!! And I can sing songs to Jesus, too, with my guitar,” she exclaimed in exuberance.

“Do you have favorite songs you would like to sing to Him,” I asked fully expecting Mighty to Save or the Revelation Song to be at the top of her list.

With wide eyes and a huge smile she announced, “Yesss! I can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Hannah Montana Song to Him!”

And then I envisioned her picking her guitar and singing “the bessssst of bote warrrds”. . .

And I pictured Him smiling.