At the risk of upsetting my 16-year-old daughter, I must say it.

People are going slap crazy!

A stranger in Walmart slaps a crying toddler after warning the mother to keep her quiet.

A girl—a “friend” from the youth group—slaps my daughter in the face at school because of a break-up with her boyfriend.  A mutual break-up, but that doesn’t matter.

I am trying, desperately trying to handle this situation with grace.  I’m trying to let “my Jesus show”.  Trying to let the Youth Pastor handle it.  Trying to calm the Joedaddy down.

So I need prayer tonight, friends.

In addition to the incident at school, she fell at work last night on a wet floor.  She landed on her back and hit her head.  We took a trip to the doctor’s office today.  They concluded that she has whiplash and sent her for x-rays.  The x-rays revealed no damage.  So achy and sore is what she’ll likely be the next day or so.

Let’s stand firm on the Word together and lift one another up in prayer.  Battles are raging everywhere.  But, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” -Isaiah 59:19b

May others say of us, “your Jesus is showing!”

And in conclusion, I would like to end with a closing chosen from the comments from Boo Mama’s recent post Needing Some Closure that you simply must read.

Sanctimoniously yours,


😉  It’s a joke people.  Laugh, guffaw, chuckle.  Read Boo Mama’s post!  Let your Jesus show!


I love you Courtney!  We must forgive.  Let our Jesus show.