Tonight I shared with my sister how I understand that place of seeking Him for guidance, for direction, for His plans. I understand the wait.

We seek Him for direction in unstable economic times. We seek Him for wisdom for our children especially when the road gets rough and they find themselves in uncharted waters. We wait. We call this place limbo and struggle, wondering if we’re really making a difference right where we are.

This is where I find myself. Still, I determine to live out Eucharisteo, to be thankful in the moments, for the here and now.

Today I made a quick Walmart run on my day off. Stopping to have an item tagged for return, I noticed a woman I knew from church with her three children. I glanced away and heard a thud. Baby in carrier had fallen off a bench onto the floor. Quickly I rushed to help her leaving employee with my buggy and item to be returned. Baby was strapped in the seat. He was upset but seemed unharmed.

“Are you okay,” I asked. Though visibly shaken she assured me she was okay. Her husband was a paramedic and she knew what to look for. Still, I grabbed her a buggy and walked in with her to be sure. My heart ached for her. I knew that baby was fine. But when things like that happen you can sense the eyes on you and feel so small.

Another seemingly small moment at the check-out counter happened. An elderly lady ahead of me left her wallet. And it’s funny how a simple task like calling out and running after her with her wallet would leave me so thankful for the moment. Thankful for being right where I am.

Why do we need those moments to believe we’re right where we need to be? Here is right where we need to be. Fully present. This moment, these moments don’t have to be a prelude to what we assume is the important stuff, for what we think are His big plans for us. He holds our every moment.

I’m learning that Ann’s words are so true. When we choose to live in the moment, here, fully present, the moment is weighted down with His glory. He is present. And even as I tread ground I’ve never walked before, territory I never anticipated covering, I’m learning that even this place is good and I’m thankful for it. And maybe there really isn’t a place of limbo when we live for Christ. Maybe I need to remember that in all that I seek Him for, it’s Him that I need to seek. His presence is right here, in the present, in this very moment. And I can be thankful and find joy.

Isn’t it crazy amazing?

[youtube RvIEJ_PmqJ8&feature=related]