Happy 5th Birthday, Sophie!

On September 19, 2006, the family comedian was born.

{Your prayer this morning:

Thank you for this day and thank you for the day I was born.}

Dear Sophie,

This will probably come as a surprise to everyone. But when I sat down to write this birthday post to you I had trouble finding words. Everyone knows including you that Mama always has lots to say, especially about you. After all, you do give me lots of material to work with.

But it’s just hard for me to believe that another year has already passed. You are growing so fast and although you are the baby, I mean youngest of your class, I’m sure you’re teaching those kids things Kindergartners need to know. Like the girl in the lunchroom who smacks how to chew with her lips kissed. {You would do well to keep practicing that, too.} If you haven’t taught them yet, I imagine it won’t be long before your classmates learn the importance of fiber and what cereals are best fiber choices. You are definitely a good listener. So we need to be extra careful what we teach you.

In just one year I’ve watched you grow in so many ways but the most important of all is your understanding of who our Lord is and what His Word says. Sometimes the lessons come in ways that surprise me like when Courtney taught you what gluttony means and explained that it’s a sin. Your eyes grew wide and you pushed your plate away and said, “ohhhhh.” I was concerned about your understanding of this but at least you listened.

I hope you’ll always listen to what His Word says and let Him write it on your heart. You’ve been concerned about a lot of things lately that little girls your age shouldn’t be. Hurricanes, tornadoes and even our postal system’s possible closing on Saturdays are just a few things that have left you worried. But I’ve seen opportunities for you to learn to trust God.

Your question, “what’s gonna happen to us,” regarding the postal system was another opportunity to teach you no matter what God is always good. And also that no mail on Saturday is not a big deal. Hurricane Lee’s scare was just the right time to share with you the story of how my surgery and your arrival the following year came right after and was even possible because of Hurricane Katrina. I’ll never forget that look of surprise on your face when I told you. God always works things for good to those who love Him. {Romans 8:28}

You’re still confused {or at least you pretend to be} about how to tell whether someone is joking or lying. It’s interesting to note that when this is in question you seem to fall on the side of joking while you find that others are always lying to you. At least you’re grasping that lying is serious business. Hopefully you’ll realize that cheating is, too. Even if you were, “only cheating because Katie was winning.”

You’ve memorized Scripture and overcome fear. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety. ~Psalm 4:8

And although it’s a lesson you may learn over and over again for many years, you know well now that patience means to wait without fussing.

It’s been said that children learn the most within the first five years of their life. That can make a parent of a five-year-old question all they’ve taught. But I won’t dwell on that. I’ll keep on praying and keep on teaching you.

And I’ll trust the One who made you fearfully and wonderfully .

Keep on growing and learning. But know this: the Bible does not say you should never lick a dog bed. {Don’t ever lick a dog bed, though.}

I love you so much my Angel Girl!
