“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” This quote from The Help makes me all kinds of happy. It may come as a shock to you that it doesn’t even bother me to type it that way in spite of the fact that I’m known to rant about the awful abuse of grammar especially used on reality T.V. {I tread lightly. Just as quickly as I rant about the word I not being possessive I post the word their instead of there for all the world to see. Hello humility.}

Those words are common among our household lately and are currently written on my bathroom mirror in Courtney’s scrawl. She and I have both seen the movie and I’m currently reading the book. Although this post is not a review of the movie, I absolutely recommend you see it if you haven’t yet.

Today I had a conversation with a black female employee at a local Burger King drive-through that brought me back to the era of The Help. I pulled up to the first window as directed, tore a coupon from a coupon book and dug my money out of my wallet as she waited patiently.

“Y’all are getting fast,” I said, not used to the swift service. I explained my first job was at the former location of the Burger King in our town. Burger King was known for its slow service and I remember well being cussed out daily.

She nodded in complete understanding, hesitated for a moment and then said, “I hate to say it but the worse ones are older white people. They put their money on the counter right next to my hand that’s held out to receive it. They don’t want to touch our hands.”

Really? That’s sad, I said.A lump formed in my throat. I looked her straight in the eyes and said, “don’t let that seep inside your spirit. It’ll rob you of your peace and joy and it’s just not worth it. I hope you have a blessed day.”

She nodded. And then I drove off and cried.

I’m not oblivious to the fact that racism is still alive and kicking. And it’s not limited to one race. It comes in all colors and affects people of all colors.

It’s enough that even we Christians struggle with drawing lines between tolerating ones religious beliefs or lifestyles and loving the individual. Lines need to be drawn and stands need to be made for Christ but we need Him to work through us and above all else love through us.

But this isn’t about beliefs or actions of different groups of people. It’s about the fact that we look at certain peoples and let the color of skin justify our thoughts of superiority. You know it’s true. The lack of protection for our nation’s borders and over taking of our language will leave us questioning every Spanish speaking Mexican we come in contact with. If we’re not careful pride will overtake us and how will we reach the lost for Christ with such haughtiness?

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. ~ 1 Samuel 16:7 {my emphasis}

I pray that when pride tries to sink its ugly claws within me I’ll remember the words of Aibileen from The Help and proudly quote, “you is kind. You is smart. You is important.”