Happy 74th Birthday, Daddy!!!

I’m shaking my head, trying to figure out how in the world you could be 74 years old. You certainly don’t look it. And though I’m sure you’ll argue that you’re feeling the age now more than ever, I know that God’s answered my prayer for you to be like Joshua and Caleb with a long life of vigor—as strong in their older age as they were in their youth {Joshua 14:10-11}.

I do these birthday posts and one might wonder how in the world I could have more to say about someone than I already have in the past years. But there’s always something to say about you, Daddy. I mean, you have 74 years behind you after all.

You keep on keeping on, still working hard. I hope I never take another moment for granted that God has given us with you. You are living proof of our amazing God as you live out your life working harder than the majority of young men a fraction of your age. And what is so amazing is that you do it without complaint and you do it not only willingly but joyfully. You and Mom spur me on more than you know on days when I am weak and tired and wanting to quit.

I wonder if you sometimes worry about what you have to leave behind should the Lord tarry and call you home one day. But you should know that the life of simple faith that you and Mom are living out is a lasting treasure for your family. Your humor and zest for life are priceless. Rarely do you greet a person without a warm smile, funny quip or clever cliche’ that only you could make up. I see that humor woven throughout your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I see you in my grandson and that always makes me smile.

Daddy, yours is a life to share and I am so looking forward to mine and Ginger’s lunch with you on Friday. I’m looking forward to more of your stories of growing up and what people and life events helped shape you into the unique man and outstanding father that you are.

A wise man once said, “don’t worry about nothin’, ’cause ain’t nothin’ gonna’ be alright.” That same wise man knew grammar well and constantly reminded us of that when we questioned things like, “where’s my book at?” The answer always being, “behind the at.” Therefore I conclude that the double negatives in that oft told saying must mean something. I’m just not sure what.

So I think I’ll take it to mean what the man who said it lives. I’ll take a deep breath, turn my focus to the One above and refuse to worry today. I’ll thank Him for this special day and trust Him with the ones ahead.

Happy Birthday!

I love you, Daddy!

Your little girl {one of them}