On April 18, 1998, you took my hand, put a ring on it, 

and we began our journey together.

Fourteen years and you’re still rockin’ my world!

Happy 14th Anniversary, Joe!

For fourteen years you’ve walked with me though sometimes I’ve ran ahead of you. You took my hand and took on the role of husband and new parent all in one day. We faced the challenge of parenting after divorce as well as rebuilding finances after the close of your first business.

That was just the first year.

We’ve laughed much. We’ve made memories at Six Flags, Busch Gardens, Sea World, and Disney World. We’ve been to the mountains—literally—making memories at Cheaha Mountain, Alabama and Stone Mountain, Georgia. We’ve cruised Mexico and sunbathed on the beaches of my home state of Florida.

We’ve fought and we’ve cried. We’ve battled defeat and failure after the close of your store and subsequent bankruptcy. We’ve been to the valley.

We’ve weathered many storms in our marriage and with the girls. We prayed for a child in spite of my tied tubes. We believed; we faltered. But we never quit.

Through it all, we’ve learned to trust in Christ. We’ve been stretched much but we’ve also grown much. He gave us Sophie. Our faith soared and our lives forever changed. And then we became grandparents and that’s where my love for words runs dry. How do you even describe that? I’m still trying.

This past year has been our most challenging, I’m sure you’d agree. But it’s been our very best as well. That’s the amazing thing about our God. In those really hard places, right in the midst of the ashes, He brings beauty. Only God.

I don’t know if I’ve ever loved you more than I do today. Disappointment broke me last night and I questioned the lack of response for my upcoming mission trip. But you prayed and you encouraged me. This morning I was determined to press on and once again our Lord used you. You’ve blown me away today with text after text of donation amount that you have helped pull in from friends and coworkers and businesses. It’s truly a symbol of your dedication, determination, and support for me. Thank you!!!

I’ll wear my My Husband Rocks and I Respect My Husband t-shirts with pride.

Here’s to the next fourteen rockin’ years!!! **insert toast with Diet Coke here {And then just pass me yours because you know I’ll drink all of mine and then finish yours.}

I love you forever!!!

Your Angel