For so many years we’ve celebrated your birthday and Mother’s Day together. You couldn’t help that your birthday will always fall on or around this day of honoring mothers. Year after year you are slighted like a kid whose birthday comes near Christmas. Sometimes there’s no cake and often there’s only one gift. But you never complain.

With every daughter you’ve birthed and raised and now with one of your granddaughters you would ultimately share this day. And this year for the second time you will spend the majority of your Mother’s Day at your granddaughter’s recital. Once again you don’t complain. Because it’s what we mothers do. And I’m so grateful that you’ve set this example for me.

Hectic life hindered me from posting on your birthday. So here I am penning my love and gratitude for you in one post. Yes, you even have to share your birthday post with Mother’s Day. It’s almost comical.

I’ve thought a lot lately about this day and how I’ve been preparing for months after reading The Resolution for Women to declare and resolve to be the mother and wife God calls me to be. I set a goal for this holiday so fitting and alas, I’m not finished reading the book. But I won’t fuss and whine over this not yet accomplished task. Instead, I’ll continue to read slowly and take in the truth that needs to settle deep within my spirit—truth that I invariably find myself walking out upon reading each chapter.

Mama, what I’m realizing this Mother’s Day is that the sacrifices of a mother are never ending. Sometimes I want to complain. Sometimes I do. But I keep thinking of the many years that your birthday has been overshadowed and how you could’ve spoken up this year and declared that you wouldn’t make the recital. But instead you said, “but it’s not Sophie’s fault and she’s worked hard.”

Being a good mama isn’t about being perfect. We can’t be. But we can own our weaknesses and let Christ be perfect through them. This year I want you to know, to really know, that we don’t expect you to be perfect. We know you’re not. You’re off the hook. As you let Christ’s strength be made perfect in your own weaknesses you teach us that it’s okay that we will sometimes fall. And you remind us that we only need to fall on grace and let Him help us back up again.

I love you, Mama. I’m so grateful for you. I’m so grateful that God saw fit to choose you to be our Mama.

Happy {belated} 65th Birthday & Happy Mother’s Day!

We rise up and call you blessed! {Proverbs 31:28}