Posted recently on a friend’s facebook wall I saw an Application For Permission To Date My Daughter. I cracked slap up {as opposed to laughing out loud}, saved it to my computer and printed it immediately. After I shared the application along with a few laughs with Joe later that night, he asked for an envelope. He then folded the application, shoved it in the envelope, then sealed, signed and marked it To: Brandon.

Here’s the application:

I just discovered that there’s a more thorough version here that includes Daddy’s Rules for Dating. Dang.

We enjoyed Courtney’s curiosity over what was inside the sealed envelope and anxiously awaited Brandon’s response to Joe’s half serious prank. I might’ve had a slight twinge of guilt since it came shortly after sharing our approval and acceptance of this young man and potential suitor for Courtney in his birthday blog post.ย Bless his heart.

As anticipated, Brandon took it in stride and had a good laugh. Courtney admitted to opening the seal and peeking to which we should not have been surprised. Then Brandon did something that really surprised us. He followed with, “I’ll have this back in a few days.”

Seriously? Did you read the questions above?

Knowing the character he’s displayed since we’ve come to know him, we should’ve expected his follow-up. He filled the application out in its entirety. He and Courtney both are insistent that his actual Social Security Number is indeed listed. They couldn’t have known we had several contacts in line to confirm it. That’s right! We know a guy! Or woman.

But the listing of all of his personal information that could potentially make him a victim of identity theft wasn’t what spoke the loudest to me. It wasn’t the clear cut answers explaining what “DON’T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER” and the word “late” meant to him. It wasn’t his voluntarily answering what dentist office we might find his dental records just in case they might need to be destroyed one day {hypothetically speaking}. Nor was it his added note thanking us for considering him for this position {Don’t get cocky, Son.}. Not even the promise to always treat our daughter with the respect she deservesโ€”a position he considers “an honor.”

While the above information is honorable and impressive yet hilariously naive {What? Did he think we might not use any of this information?}, one simple answer stood out.

In answer to the humorously asked question #11.ย What do you want to be if you grow up?, he answers,

man after God’s own heart.

No greater answer could’ve been given.

{You didn’t cheat, did you, Brandon?}

Watching your daughter go through the courting, okay dating,ย phase can be a delicate season of life for a parent. We hope we never take it lightly. We are blessed to have this young man communicate with us so openly. And I don’t mean simply answering this application. His willingness to address any questions or concerns we might have has helped ease this process.

But just to be on the safe side I think I’ll print out the five page application. You don’t mind having your blood taken, do you Brandon?