Sophie has graduated from the high chair (which she pretty much attempted to climb out of daily…what took me so long?) to the booster seat (which she can pretty much climb into even on bar height chairs), from the baby bed to the toddler bed (YEP, we removed the one rail that stood between us and our last “cage” for her!)   Oh, sweet sleep!  I barely knew ye!  Come backkkk, comee backkkk….. why is this child standing next to my bed at all hours of the night????  And all over the course of TWO days!  I’m not sure I’m ready for age 2.

And do we need a “Caution:  Toddler may be roaming the house while you’re sleeping!  SET THE ALARM! “ ?

And am I directly responsible if she falls from that chair?


She taught herself how to swing! I!  KNOW!  I can’t believe it either.  I mean, didn’t I wait for soooo long for Cammie and Courtney to graduate to swinging- “in….out…..pull your legs innnn…..back ouuuuttttt….come on, you can dooo it!” ?????  Of course, I love pushing kids on a swing.  Because, um, Moms are supposed to, right?  But she was hi-lar-i-ous!  We filmed it.  So when I figure it out…..I think I just might share it with you!  So stay tuned…….

….a verryyyyy tired MOM who needs to get off the blogosphere and SLEEP!